H0009 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0010 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0011 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0012 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0014 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0015 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0017 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0018 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0019 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG SERVICES
H0022 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG INTERVEN ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUG INTERVEN