86000 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of antibody to infectious organism Measurement of antibody to infectious organism
86005 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of antibody (IgE) to allergic substance, multiallergen screen Measurement of antibody (IgE) to allergic substance, multiallergen screen
86022 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Antibody identification test, platelet antibodies Antibody identification test, platelet antibodies
86023 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Antibody identification test, platelet associated immunoglobulin assay Antibody identification test, platelet associated immunoglobulin assay
86037 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titer Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titer
86063 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Screening test for Strep antibody (strep throat) Screening test for Strep antibody (strep throat)
86079 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Blood bank physician services with written report Blood bank physician services with written report
86156 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of cold agglutinin (protein) to screen for infection or disease Measurement of cold agglutinin (protein) to screen for infection or disease
86157 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of cold agglutinin (protein) to detect infection or disease Measurement of cold agglutinin (protein) to detect infection or disease
86171 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of complement fixation tests (immune system proteins) Measurement of complement fixation tests (immune system proteins)