58110 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Exam of cervix using an endoscope with biopsy of lining of uterus Exam of cervix using an endoscope with biopsy of lining of uterus
58120 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Dilation and scraping of uterus Dilation and scraping of uterus
58146 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of 5 or more growths of uterus through abdomen Removal of 5 or more growths of uterus through abdomen
58262 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of uterus, tubes, and/or ovaries through vagina, 250.0 g or less Removal of uterus, tubes, and/or ovaries through vagina, 250.0 g or less
11621 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 0.6-1.0 cm Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 0.6-1.0 cm
11622 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 1.1-2.0 cm Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 1.1-2.0 cm
11623 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 2.1-3.0 cm Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 2.1-3.0 cm
11624 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 3.1-4.0 cm Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, 3.1-4.0 cm
11626 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, more than 4.0 cm Removal of cancer skin growth of scalp, neck, hands, feet, or genitals, more than 4.0 cm
11640 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of cancer skin growth of face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, or mouth, 0.5 cm or less Removal of cancer skin growth of face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips, or mouth, 0.5 cm or less