88155 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Pap test, slides, definitive hormonal evaluation Pap test, slides, definitive hormonal evaluation
88162 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Screening examination of specimen cells, extended study Screening examination of specimen cells, extended study
88172 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Evaluation of fine needle aspirate Evaluation of fine needle aspirate
88177 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Pap test, evaluation of fine needle aspirate, immediate, each additional evaluation episode Pap test, evaluation of fine needle aspirate, immediate, each additional evaluation episode
88187 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Flow cytometry technique for DNA or cell analysis, 2 to 8 markers Flow cytometry technique for DNA or cell analysis, 2 to 8 markers
88188 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Flow cytometry technique for DNA or cell analysis, 9 to 15 markers Flow cytometry technique for DNA or cell analysis, 9 to 15 markers
88230 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Tissue culture to identify white blood cell disorders Tissue culture to identify white blood cell disorders
88237 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Tissue culture for tumor disorders of bone marrow and blood cells Tissue culture for tumor disorders of bone marrow and blood cells
88240 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Cryopreservation, freezing and storage of cells Cryopreservation, freezing and storage of cells
88241 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Thawing and expansion of frozen cells Thawing and expansion of frozen cells