93325 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of heart with color-depicted blood flow, rate and valve function Ultrasound of heart with color-depicted blood flow, rate and valve function
93350 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of heart during rest, exercise and/or drug-induced stress with report Ultrasound of heart during rest, exercise and/or drug-induced stress with report
93351 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of heart with continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) during rest, exercise and/or drug induced stress with review and report Ultrasound of heart with continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) during rest, exercise and/or drug induced stress with review and report
93356 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Heart muscle strain imaging Heart muscle strain imaging
93458 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Insertion of tube in left lower heart chamber and coronary artery for diagnosis with review by radiologist Insertion of tube in left lower heart chamber and coronary artery for diagnosis with review by radiologist Ancillary Procedural Code 311
93793 Medical Care Outpatient Visits Anticoagulant management of patient taking warfarin Anticoagulant management of patient taking warfarin
93880 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of both sides of head and neck blood flow Ultrasound of both sides of head and neck blood flow
93922 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound study of arm and leg arteries Ultrasound study of arm and leg arteries
93923 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Complete ultrasound study of arm and leg arteries Complete ultrasound study of arm and leg arteries
93925 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of leg arteries or artery grafts Ultrasound of leg arteries or artery grafts