96417 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Administration of additional new drug or substance into vein, 1 hour or less Administration of additional new drug or substance into vein, 1 hour or less
97012 Medical Care Outpatient Visits Application of mechanical traction Application of mechanical traction
97026 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Application of low energy heat Application of low energy heat
97032 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Application of electrical stimulation with therapist present, each 15 minutes Application of electrical stimulation with therapist present, each 15 minutes
97110 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Therapy procedure using exercise to develop strength, endurance, range of motion, and flexibility, each 15 minutes Therapy procedure using exercise to develop strength, endurance, range of motion, and flexibility, each 15 minutes
97112 Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy Therapy procedure to re-educate brain-to-nerve-to-muscle function, each 15 minutes Therapy procedure to re-educate brain-to-nerve-to-muscle function, each 15 minutes
97113 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Therapy procedure using water pool to exercises, each 15 minutes Therapy procedure using water pool to exercises, each 15 minutes
98966 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment Telephone medical discussion provided by nonphysician professional, 5-10 minutes Telephone medical discussion provided by nonphysician professional, 5-10 minutes
98967 Inpatient Care in a Chronic Disease Hospital Telephone medical discussion provided by nonphysician professional, 11-20 minutes Telephone medical discussion provided by nonphysician professional, 11-20 minutes