This health plan covers well newborn care furnished for a newborn enrolled in the plan, or a newborn not enrolled in the plan when services are furnished during the enrolled member's inpatient maternity stay or during an outpatient admission in a licensed outpatient birthing center. These covered services include:
Este plan de salud cubre la atención pediátrica de rutina para recién nacidos inscritos en el plan, recién nacidos no inscritos en el plan cuando el servicio se brinde durante la hospitalización por maternidad de una mujer inscrita o durante una admisión ambulatoria en un centro de maternidad ambulatorio certificado. Dichos servicios cubiertos son:
Nursery charges for a well newborn.
Cargos de neonatología por atención pediátrica normal para recién nacidos.
Fitness Program - you and your covered spouse can be reimbursed during the first six months of the calendar year, with an additional reimbursement during the last six months of the calendar year, for membership and class fees paid to an in-person health club with a variety of cardiovascular and strength-training equipment or a virtual/online membership, subscription, program, or class that provides cardiovascular and strength-training using a digital platform. You cannot be reimbursed for initiation fees, or fees for personal training sessions, fitness studio classes (like yoga, pilates, barre), country clubs, social clubs (like ski, tennis, hiking), sports teams, spas, instructional dance, pool-only facilities, gymnastics, fitness equipment or clothing. This Wellness Program is separate from your health plan.
Programa de bienestar: Tanto usted como su cónyuge cubierto pueden recibir un reembolso durante los primeros del año calendario, con un reembolso adicional durante los últimos seis meses del año calendario, por cargos de membresía y clases pagados a un gimnasio con programas presenciales con una variedad de equipos de entrenamiento cardiovascular y de fuerza; o una membresía, suscripción, programa o clase virtual/en línea que ofrece entrenamiento cardiovascular y de fuerza a través de una plataforma digital. No se le pueden reembolsar las cuotas de inscripción ni las cuotas de sesiones de entrenamiento personalizado, clases en un gimnasio (como yoga, pilates, barre), clubes de campo, clubes sociales (como esquí, tenis, senderismo), equipos deportivos, spas, clases de danza, natación, gimnasia, equipos de acondicionamiento físico o indumentaria. Este Programa de Bienestar es independiente del plan de salud.
Fitness Program - you and your covered family members can be reimbursed up to $150 (in total) for membership and class fees paid to an in-person health club with a variety of cardiovascular and strength-training equipment; an in-person fitness studio that provides instructor-led group classes for cardiovascular and strength-training programs; a virtual/online membership, subscription, program, or class that provides cardiovascular and strength-training using a digital platform; or for home fitness equipment including purchases for bicycles, bicycle helmets, and athletic shoes. You can request this reimbursement each calendar year; requests must be submitted by March 31 of the following year. You cannot be reimbursed for initiation fees, or fees for personal training sessions, country clubs, social clubs (like ski, tennis, hiking), sports teams, spas, instructional dance, pool-only facilities, gymnastics and martial arts schools. This Wellness Program is separate from your health plan.
Test for allergy using combination of methods with drug or biological
Test for allergy using combination of methods with drug or biological