95924 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Testing of autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) nervous system function, at least 5 minutes of tilt Testing of autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) nervous system function, at least 5 minutes of tilt
95925 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites in arms Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites in arms
95926 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites in legs Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites in legs
95927 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites in trunk or head Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites in trunk or head
95933 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of nerve conduction patterns of eye blink reflex Measurement of nerve conduction patterns of eye blink reflex
95938 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites on arms and legs Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of stimulated sites on arms and legs
95939 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of central motor stimulation in arms and legs Placement of skin electrodes and measurement of central motor stimulation in arms and legs
95940 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Continuous monitoring of nervous system during operation, each 15 minutes Continuous monitoring of nervous system during operation, each 15 minutes
95941 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Continuous remote monitoring of nervous system during operation, each hour Continuous remote monitoring of nervous system during operation, each hour
95955 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG) outside the brain during surgery Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG) outside the brain during surgery