25810 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Fusion of wrist joint with graft from hip or other bone Fusion of wrist joint with graft from hip or other bone
25820 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Fusion of part of wrist joint Fusion of part of wrist joint
25825 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Fusion of part of wrist joint with patient-derived bone graft Fusion of part of wrist joint with patient-derived bone graft
25830 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Fusion of both forearm bones at wrist Fusion of both forearm bones at wrist
26010 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Simple drainage of abscess of finger Simple drainage of abscess of finger
26034 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Incision of hand or finger bone Incision of hand or finger bone
26045 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Partial release of connective tissue of palm Partial release of connective tissue of palm
26075 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Incision of lower finger joint for exploration, fluid drainage, or removal of foreign body Incision of lower finger joint for exploration, fluid drainage, or removal of foreign body
25107 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Incision to repair wrist joint with repair of cartilage Incision to repair wrist joint with repair of cartilage
25109 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of tendon of forearm and/or wrist Removal of tendon of forearm and/or wrist