95709 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 12-26 hours with intermittent monitoring Measurement of brain wave activity (EEG), 12-26 hours with intermittent monitoring
95711 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 2-12 hours Measurement of brain wave activity with video (VEEG), 2-12 hours
93890 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of within the brain blood flow following medication Ultrasound of within the brain blood flow following medication
97156 Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Non-Biologically Based Mental Conditions Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment - Alcoholism Treatment Adaptive behavior treatment by professional with family using an established plan, each 15 minutes Adaptive behavior treatment by professional with family using an established plan, each 15 minutes
97168 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy Re-evaluation for occupational therapy, typically 30 minutes Re-evaluation for occupational therapy, typically 30 minutes
97533 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy Therapy procedure using sensory experiences Therapy procedure using sensory experiences
97537 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy Training for community or work reintegration, each 15 minutes Training for community or work reintegration, each 15 minutes
97545 Inpatient Care in a Rehabilitation Hospital Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy Evaluation for work hardening or conditioning, initial 2 hours Evaluation for work hardening or conditioning, initial 2 hours
97602 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Medical Care Outpatient Visits Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy Surgery as an Outpatient Removal of tissue from wound gradually Removal of tissue from wound gradually
97607 Inpatient Medical and Surgical Care in a General Hospital Medical Care Outpatient Visits Short-Term Rehabilitation Therapy Therapy procedure using a special bandage, vacuum pump and disposable medical equipment, surface area 50.0 sq cm or less Therapy procedure using a special bandage, vacuum pump and disposable medical equipment, surface area 50.0 sq cm or less