93740 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of heart blood vessel function at various temperatures Measurement of heart blood vessel function at various temperatures
93770 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Measurement of heart and circulatory system pressure Measurement of heart and circulatory system pressure
93788 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, 1 day or longer, with scanning analysis and report Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, 1 day or longer, with scanning analysis and report
93797 Cardiac Rehabilitation Outpatient heart rehabilitation, qualified health care professional services Outpatient heart rehabilitation, qualified health care professional services
93886 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Complete ultrasound of within the brain blood flow Complete ultrasound of within the brain blood flow
93888 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of within the brain blood flow Ultrasound of within the brain blood flow
93313 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Surgery as an Outpatient Insertion of probe in esophagus for heart ultrasound Insertion of probe in esophagus for heart ultrasound
93314 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Interpretation and report of ultrasound of heart Interpretation and report of ultrasound of heart
93315 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Ultrasound of heart with probe in esophagus for congenital defect, with report Ultrasound of heart with probe in esophagus for congenital defect, with report
93316 Labs, X-Rays and Other Tests Insertion of probe in esophagus for congenital heart ultrasound Insertion of probe in esophagus for congenital heart ultrasound